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Inner child

What a beautiful flower you are, standing so strong. If only you knew how special you were all along.

You didn't always get what you needed to be nourished, but still you grew and beautifully flourished.

Your seed grew even if it wasn't planted in a fertile bed. Sometimes the only water it received was the tears that you shed.

I am so proud of you for finding strength in the dark. For always looking to leave your mark.

Golden and pure, so special and sunny. You will grow to be strong, kind and funny.

I look at you now even though our clocks are in different chimes. As I look back, I send you the sun and love you needed at the time.

It's not ok that you were treated that way, but we understand and forgive and move forward each day.

Because we wouldn't be who we are today, had our lessons and blessings not made it that way.

I love you like you have never been loved before. If you were my daughter I would have loved you more and more.

Any parent would have been lucky to have you. You were loved even if it wasn't in the way normal parents do.

If you were my daughter blessed I would be, but I am more blessed because you are actually me!



Text copyright ©2020 Dee Kennedy. All rights reserved.



By Dee Kennedy

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